Sunday, April 6, 2008

Position, Position, Position

Although I suspect that many who write articles on dealing with sleep problems don't actually experience the issue themselves, I think that the point that drugs should be a last resort and not taken forever is fair advice for some.

For example, there is great information in this article about the position of your head and body when in bed (and thus the title of this post :-) ) .

There are two main tips to remember:
  • spine placement is important and therefore the fetal position on your side is best for your normal spinal curves. A small pillow between your knees or thighs to prevent shifting from that position is recommended. Sleeping on your back is almost as good (I don't like it myself) if you have something supporting the small of your back.
  • the right pillow to keep the correct posture is important, keeping the proper alignment of your neck and head while you sleep. Sleeping without a pillow is not recommended.